The Rotary Club of Sandwich

What We Do

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Shelter Box

The Rotary Club of Sandwich is an active supporter of Shelter Box

Partnership background
The project partnership between Rotary and ShelterBox offers opportunities to collaborate in providing emergency shelter and vital supplies to stabilize, protect, and support communities affected by disasters and humanitarian crises.
About ShelterBox
ShelterBox is an international relief charity that provides immediate assistance to people affected by disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, flooding, hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis, or conflict. With 18 international affiliates, ShelterBox provides shelter, lifesaving equipment, and educational materials to hard-hit communities worldwide. Since its founding in 2000, ShelterBox has responded to more than 200 natural disasters and humanitarian crises in almost 90 countries, providing vital aid for well over 1 million people.
How do ShelterBox response teams operate?
A highly trained ShelterBox response team, composed mainly of volunteers, distributes ShelterBoxes at the site of a disaster, working closely with local organisations, international aid agencies, and a global network of volunteers. Each ShelterBox, tailored to the particular disaster, typically contains a relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack, and other essential items. Distributions may also include SchoolBoxes containing essential tools for teachers and basic educational supplies for 50 children.

Money Spinner

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Moneyspinner' is great fun to watch, simply place a circular coin in the slot and watch it go round and round and round, spiralling its way into the collecting box in the base. All proceeds will be donated by the Rotary Club to our local charities.
The brightly coloured ‘Moneyspinner', sponsored by the Coop, Sandwich, is placed at the front of the shop please look out for it and "give it a spin”.

Shoe Box

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The Rotary Club of Sandwich fill 100 show boxes and "spread a little happiness" to those in need. Boxes to distributed to Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. Big thanks you to Sandwich Co-op for help with the logistics.

Anniversary Clock

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On Thursday 2nd August 2014 the Rotary Clock on the Drill Hall in Sandwich was officially unveiled. Chris Trim who in his presidential year initiated the commissioning of a clock celebrating 60 years of the club
The clock was made by Smiths of Derby and has a mechanism to combat power failures. It was installed free of charge with the assistance of Wyman Electrica

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Chris Trim who in his presidential year initiated the commissioning of a clock celebrating 60 years of the club

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Club President Barry Dale along with Past President Terry Kemp were pleased that they were joined by Ann Trim the widow of Chris for the official unveiling.
On Saturday 20th October 2018 the clock was repositioned higher on the front wall of the drill hall.

Community award

Each year the Club makes a community award to the Company or Organisation's who have in the past year enhanced the local community with donations or volunteer work.
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