About Us The Rotary Club of Sandwich is part of District 1120 and was founded on 5th January 1956. Its membership is made up of residents of Sandwich and surrounding villages. Currently there are 37 members and we are always pleased to welcome anyone who wishes to join us. Whether you are volunteering by helping your local community to set up a foodbank or responding to local or international disasters, there is a project or activity to suit everyone. By volunteering with Rotary you know that you will be changing people's lives for the better. Being part of Rotary is more than just giving back to the community by volunteering. It is also about bringing your skills, experience and enthusiasm to help it thrive whilst making some great friends along the way. Our clubs are friendly places which invite speakers from a wide range of knowledge, increasing your social and cultural understanding. Members also share a common interest in friendship and if you visit any of our clubs around the world you will immediately feel the sense of camaraderie and fun.
Our Activities The majority of our meetings are held in the Bell Hotel which is behind the Barbican. On Bank Holiday Monday the club holds one of its major events which is the Annual Duck Race on the River Stour. (See the page on the Duck Race) We are an active club with a number of events including the Golf Day, which will be held in April We are "twinned" with three contact clubs, Armentiàres in Northern France, Renaix in Belgium and Bocholt in Germany. In July part of the club meeting involved the handing over the roles of Club President, President Elect and Vice President for the new Rotary Year
Our Town
Sandwich is a famous medieval town and has a variety of historic buildings. The picture below depicts the Barbican, one of the two surviving gatehouse protecting the town. The Barbican stands next to the bridge over the River Stour to the north of the town.The other gate house known as Fishergate is some 130 metres away along the Quay.
We would like to thank Orbital Net Ltd from Bekesbourne for providing the hosting for our domains and website. Orbital Net Ltd